Our Elders

Dan Diffey

Dan heard the good news of salvation when he was 18. At that time he professed faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized. In college God grew Dan and gave him an aspiration for ministry. There he met his wife Anne. After college they moved to Louisville, KY for Dan to pursue a seminary education. Here they grew their family. They have three great kids: Hannah, Calvin, and MiriLou. Dan earned an MDiv and a PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While in Louisville Dan had the privilege of being an elder at Third Avenue Baptist Church. The Diffeys moved to Phoenix in 2012 for Dan to begin a job at Grand Canyon University. Dan is professor of Old Testament at Grand Canyon University and Grand Canyon Theological Seminary and serves as a department chair with the College of Theology. Dan has served as an elder at Trinity Bible Church. Dan was sent by Foothills Baptist Church to plant New Covenant in 2024.

Gary Plooster

Gary was born in Grandville, MI into a Christian family and was saved as a teenager. He was always active in his church and graduated from Hope College associated with the Reformed Church of America. When he graduated with an MBA from Michigan State, he was given a tremendous thirst for God’s Word by the Holy Spirit and immerses himself in it. This continues to have a tremendous, positive impact on Gary’s faith as did his prayers for more faith. Gary understands his total depravity and sinful nature and knows that his only hope is entirely in Jesus. His career has taken him many places during which he has continuously worked with youth and students since his mid-twenties. He has a penchant for teaching all ages. He and his bride Sherri and their four sons moved to Phoenix in 2003. Gary served as Chairman of Elders of two separate churches including Foothills Baptist Church who sent him to assist in planting New Covenant in 2024. Since 2008, Gary has served as Executive Director of a faith-based Clinic that provides healthcare for the uninsured, underserved in the name of Jesus. John 3:30.